Quieting cabin and flight deck noise, and reducing the impact of noise on communities near airports are matters of great importance to air-manufacturers and airline operators for already more than four decades.
Undoubtedly, knowledge of both aeronautics and acoustics is essential for a clear understanding of any aviation noise problem. Such understanding is a necessary prerequisite to the control of interior and exterior noise.
As aircraft engines steadily become more silent, researchers’ attention is shifting to other noise sources. One of the topics is to reduce noise caused by landing gear. Air traffic noise is a major factor affecting responsible growth of airports, especially in densely populated areas. The geometry of the landing gear is not the only factor. Replacement of some metal components of landing gear with composite equivalents is also an option. Composites are not only lighter but also stronger than the steel traditionally used for landing gear. The use of composite components presents opportunities to produce lower-noise designs than is possible when using metal.
EREA is also conducting research on more eco-friendly gliding approach landings. Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) is one measure designed to curb air traffic emission levels in Europe and reducing noise of landing aircraft near cities. Aircraft using this procedure make a steady gliding approach to the runway from considerable height, preferably without any intervention from air traffic control. Because the engines of aircraft in gliding mode require less thrust than during customary approach procedures, they emit less CO2 and produce less noise.