Aircraft Airbus A320 ATRA


Research Aircraft which allows for behaviour simulation of other aircrafts as well as other on-board experiments.

Main technical characteristics

Type of flight vehicle Fixed Wing Aircraft
Main features 2 x International Aero Engines IAE V2500; max. take-off weight 75.500 kg; cruise speed 840 km/h; range up to 5700 km
Control system ?
Maximum altitude 11.800 m (39.000 ft)
Measurement instruments5 Permanently basic FTI (Flight Test Installation)
o Acquisition of ARINC data from basic A/C
o Two operator stations for FTE
Variable cabin layout
Experimental infrastructure
o Power supply for experimental cabin installations
o Experimental antennas + dedicated access panel each
o Datalink
o Lettable customer racks for dedicated experimental installations
Comment F / T Research Aircraft which allows for behaviour simulation of other aircrafts as well as other on-board experiments. Largest civil research aircraft in Europe. Outstanding facility for research in the field of aeronautics.

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