
Experimental Centre of El Arenosillo (Centro de Experimentación de El Arenosillo – CEDEA) is the research, test and certification centre for materials, components and systems; multi complex type; known for European military research; rocket launch site for suborbital rockets for atmospheric soundings

Main technical characteristics

INTA’s main facilities and installations at the CEDEA include:

– Two S-band and L-band (fixed and mobile) telemetering systems
– HF, UHF and VHF communications systems
– Air and sea surveillance radars, NORTHCONTROL
– Mobile trajectory plotting radar, VITRO RIR 778X, 250 Kw
– Trajectory plotting radar, TRACOR RIR 779C, 1 Mw
– Mobile trajectory plotting radar, VITRO RIR 778C, 1 Mw with destruction command
– Three mobile, stand-alone optronic stations, MSP 2000, fitted with IR sensors, TV, cinema and radar (3D, high precision and with telemetric capacities)
– Meteorological centre with real-time information, satellite data reception and full radio sounding system
– Control centre that centralizes all the information necessary for supervising and monitoring a launch operation (Air Traffic Control, meteorology, mapping, sensor data integration, in-flight safety, etc.)
– Evaluation centre: report drafting, analysis and assessment
– Two high-speed cameras (10,000 pictures/s)

To supplement these facilities, the CEDEA also has:

– Meteorological laboratory and sounding ballons
– Presentation and conference hall
– Telemetering, radar and optronics workshops
– Mechanical workshop, electrical workshop, health service and warehouses
– Operational accommodation services
– Film processing laboratory

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