DNW-SST (Supersonic Wind Tunnel)


The SST is a blow down tunnel fed by an air storage vessel containing dry air at a pressure of 580 psi (40 bar).

Typical tests:
– Configuration studies, database creation (civil and military transport aircraft, fighters, spacecraft, missiles).

Main technical characteristics

Run time < 50 s

Operational Capacity

Reynolds Number: max. 15.000.000 (Re0.1 √(S))
Mach / Maximum Velocity: 1,32 – 4,0
Maximum Mass Flow: 8 kg/s continuously at 40 bar
Maximum Temperature & Preassure: 290 K
Duct Diameter / Test Section Dimensions: 1,5 m²; (1.2 m wide by 1.2 m height)
Model support
– Standard Supersonic Model Support
– Supersonic model support with alpha shifter

Contact Information
Amsterdam (Netherlands)