Large Aerospace Structures Impact Laboratory (LISA)


World’s largest aerospace laboratory for open-air crash tests of structures. LISA is able to perform high-energy impact tests on the ground or in water of full-scale aerospace structures.

The main performance of the facility is to ensure a guided trajectory of the test article.

Main technical characteristics

Type of structure test 3 test machines: Large Structure Crash Testing Equipment + Ditching/Emergency Landing Facility + Drop Test Tower.
Maximum specimen size 10.000 kg (max. test article weight)
Stimulus characteristics Max release velocity before impact: 20 m/s.
Three impact surfaces: soft, solid and water.
Trajectory angle: between 5 and 90 degree.
Measurement instruments: 3 Accelerations and loads on human body in crash conditions using anthropomorphic dummies ATD, Class Hybrid II and FAA Hybrid III.
High speed cameras.
The large impact machine has also a system based on slides to permit ditching / emergency tests on scaled down models weighing up 1 ton at a speed of 30 m/s.

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