SOLIFLY - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY

SOLIFLY - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY
Schrödinger-Straße, Gemeinde Seibersdorf, Lower Austria 2444, Austria
Coord. Re

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

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Detailed Information

The SOLIFLY project funded under the CleanSky 2 programme responds to the European call for high power density/multifunctional electrical storage solutions for aeronautic applications by working on an innovative battery concept. In particular, the new batteries will feature multifunctional materials with a high degree of integration (coated carbon fibres) and multifunctional elements with a medium degree of integration (reinforced multilayer stacks).
SOLIFLY aims to deliver the first aeronautic stiffened panel with an integrated semi-solid-state lithium-ion battery. Project work will pave the way for making structural batteries a viable technology for next-generation hybrid electric passenger aircraft.