The “EREA Vision Study – The Future of Aviation in 2050” is the update of the previously released “EREA vision for the future –Towards the future generation of Air Transport System” published in 2010. This new study, describing EREA’s own vision, has as objectives:

  1. to share EREA’s vision with external stakeholders to help enhance cooperation;
  2. to form the basis for EREA to support policy makers at national and European level;
  3. to motivate EREA and its members to work together to common and ambitious goals; and
  4.  to engage with the general public, particularly on societal needs and sustainability for the aviation sector.

The outcome of the study is presented in two parts:

  • a first document, which describes the current societal and aviation context and imagines four alternative future scenarios for 2050, exploring how aviation could contribute in each scenario;
  • a second document, which provides the technical overview of the research and development (R&D) activities needed to realise EREA’s vision for the Future of Aviation.

EREA Vision Study Part I – The Scenarios

EREA Vision Study Part II – Research & Development