CIRA is a not-for-profit shareholding Consortium founded in July 1984.
The main shareholders are ASI (Italian Space Agency), CNR (National Research Council), Consorzio ASI/Regione Campania and the main Italian aerospace industries. Yearly operation cost partly covered by government contribution. CIRA operates according to the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).

CIRA is located in Capua, Italy and gets guidelines from Ministry of University and Research.

The Italian government has entrusted CIRA to manage the PRORA (Italian Aerospace Research Program).

CIRA mission is defined by the Italian Aerospace Research Programme (PRO.R.A.), in synthesis :

  1. build, operate, maintain, and upgrade large scale facilities and laboratories;
  2. develop theoretical and experimental R&TD activities, produce and exchange information, educate and train personnel, participate to European and international programme.

In order to reach these goals CIRA has defined the following strategy:

  1. Develop medium/long term R&TD projects in agreement with scientific and industrial community;
  2. Participate to collaborative R&TD projects with international research institutions; Develop theoretical and experimental simulation capabilities (ground facilities and flying test-beds) through the realization of technology demonstrators;
  3. Start-up national and international collaborations to create synergies among existing facilities and capabilities;
  4. Offer modelling and design capabilities together with experimental simulation facilities for engineering and certification service.

This strategy is applied performing the following actions:

  1. Improve and intensify cooperation with the EC;
  2. Promote collaborative R&TD activities within EU FPs;
  3. Increase networking with European REs and Industry;
  4. Start-up cooperation with “Classical Aeronautical” MS and NMS;
  5. Increase competitiveness in specific areas;
  6. Enlarge the activity perimeter taking into account current scenario, emerging business opportunities, scientific and technological spin-off from running activities (Security, Environment);
  7. Disseminate a CIRA image corresponding to current R&TD and service capabilities.

CIRA is represented in the following Associations/Working Groups (WG):

  1. EREA (Association of European Research Establishments for Aeronautics);
  2. ACARE ( Advisory Council for Aeronautic Research in Europe);
  3. ACARE-Italia (Adivosry Council for Aeronauitc REsearch in Italy);
  4. Italian WG on GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security);

CIRA methods of cooperation:

  1. Fee-for-Service Contracts.
  2. Collaborative Research Agreements.
  3. R&D Consortiums.
  4. Consulting.

CIRA Philosophy

  1. Open environment to industry, research institutions and universities for both research collaboration and industrial service.
  2. Highly motivated and highly skilled personnel in very peculiar areas at the leading edge of the aerospace technology today.

CIRA Offer

  1. Access to both technical and scientific expertise on state-of-the-art aerospace technologies.
  2. Access to world class and world unique test facilities (IWT, PWT, LISA) -> link to capabilities
  3. Access to validated numerical data bases.
  4. Entry point for regional aerospace competences.
  5. Understanding of the business principles.

For more information concerning specific

  1. Area of Competences,
  2. Programmes and
  3. current Projects

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