The development of aircraft involves the use of several aeronautical specialties that need to be checked to obtain data in order to enable the development, evaluation, certification and use of aircraft, to obtain the approval of a new type of aircraft, to make a modification to an existing one, or to receive any type of airworthiness certificate

In flight demonstration of aircraft behaviour culminates the research and development process and leads to the release of aircraft service. In addition, simulation plays a key role in the successful conduct of a flight test program, increasing the efficiency of flight testing.

EREA performs flight tests of aircraft and associated systems to validate their technical specifications, prepare operational recommendations and, when required, change their design; It uses laboratory aircraft for flight testing of systems, sensors or procedures from and for our customers and supports flight test programmes on third party aircraft and helicopter to define efficient flight test programmes, flight test instrumentation, data acquisition and data processing.

Some of the laboratories available to EREA for such purpose are:

Flight test operations laboratory

Flight mechanics laboratory

Telemetry and instrumentation laboratory

Trajectography laboratory

Data processing laboratory


and some of the objectives to be met are:

–       R&D

–       concept evaluation

–       performance tests

–       data acquisition for simulation models

–       demonstration to customers

–       validation of ground test data

–       certification