Battery Pilot Line


A dry room with a state-of-the-art research pilot line for pouch cell manufacturing (up to 10 Ah) enables prototyping of lithium-ion cells close to industrial production for diverse applications, including air transport and integration of sensors for enhanced safety. A particular focus is put on the optimization of each production step as well as innovative cell design and all its components. Industrially relevant research and test activities can thus be carried out at reduced cost and minimize capital investment risk for industrial partners.

Main technical characteristics

We use the Battery Pilot Line to perform:

  • Electrode design and slurry development for scale up processes
  • Electrode coating and calendering
  • Pouch cell manufacturing with up to 10 Ah capacity per cell
  • Prototype manufacturing in a dry room (dew point down to -60 °C)
  • Cell component validation
  • Automatic electrode stacking and electrolyte filling
  • Next generation smart cell design with integrated sensors
Contact Information

Dr. Marcus Jahn

Battery Technologies

Center for Low-Emission Transport

+43 50550 6661

Ranshofen (Austria)