ADENEAS - Advanced Data and power Electrical NEtwork Architectures and Systems

ADENEAS - Advanced Data and power Electrical NEtwork Architectures and Systems
Vinkenbergsestraat, Hoogerheide, North Brabant 4631 RC, Netherlands
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Detailed Information

More Electric and Connected Aircraft (MECA) is one of the most promising enablers to reach Flightpath 2050. But MECA asks for more electrical systems, which exchange more data that can be safety critical, and consume more electrical power leading to higher thermal dissipation. This leads to complexity, weight penalty and increased exposure to intended (cybersecurity) and unintended (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) interference. Overcoming these barriers requires an interdisciplinary cooperation and, in this context, the ADENEAS project emerged, aiming at paving the way for a safe, light, self-configuring, autonomous and modular power and data distribution network that is scalable to all aircraft sizes. ADENEAS stands for Advanced Data and power Electrical NEtwork Architectures and Systems. It is a H2020 project funded by Europe, which started in February 2021 and will run for 36 months. It has a budget of more than 4M€ and a consortium of 9 partners led by Fokker Elmo.

To contribute to the H2050 objective, ADENEAS will define new architecture concepts, develop advanced Artificial Intelligence-based design tools, enabling technologies for intra-aircraft data communication and for power network and a cooling system. The project will also demonstrate the integration of the data and power network and cooling system, initiate standardisation activities and ensure commercial viability.

ADENEAS will start from solid foundation of partner’s background, previous and ongoing R&D activities and will implement a stepwise approach from the definition of requirements and reference case (for small, medium and large aircraft) up to the assessment and evaluation of the developed, tested and demonstrated technologies. This includes strong involvement of an Industrial Advisory Board as well as standardisation perspective.

The ADENEAS future proof power and data network, scalable to all aircraft size, will support the Flightpath 2050 objective by allowing to save 0.7% block fuel burn and >156,000 kg of CO2 emitted per aircraft per year and secondary by optimizing maintenance and providing novel technologies to be deployed for increased passenger experience.