United under the same motto: “AVIATION FOR THE FUTURE – CHANGE IS NOW!” Berlin Aviation Summit and the FORUM form the core parts of #AeroDays2020 in Germany. For both #AeroDays2020 events, the high-level opening event, Berlin Aviation Summit (#BAS2020) on the 24th of November as well as the open innovation and technology platform #AeroDays2020 FORUM on the 25th and 26th of November 2020, hybrid event platforms will be set up.
The Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics, EREA, is directly involved in the organization of the #AeroDays 2020 through two of its members, DLR and INCAS, but also will attend the event with speakers in Panel sessions: Michel Peters, EREA Chairman (NLR), Catalin Nae, EREA Vice-Chairman (INCAS), Rolf Henke, EREA Board member (DLR) and Pawel Stężycki, EREA Board member (ILOT).
On the 25th of November, from 09:00 to 10:30, just before the first panel of #AeroDays2020, EREA organises a specific event that can be attended virtually and during which the EREA vision of the future of aviation will be presented, followed by a panel discussion with representatives of the European Commission, Airbus, Pipistrel and EREA. Information of this EREA Side-Event on the 25th of November is available here.
There is still time to register! https://www.aerodays.eu/aerodays2020-forum/
Join us at the EREA Side-Event on the 25th of November, 09:00 – 10:30, and the entire AeroDays2020 FORUM on the 25th and 26th of November.
Michel Peters, EREA Chairman