On 19-20th May the 34th EREA Board and General Assembly Meeting took place in Warsaw. The meeting focused on the European research and innovation for the global aerospace until 2050. During the meeting the EREA Board members discussed the status of the EREA Future Sky programme which covers four aspects: safety, quiet air transport, air transport integration and energy. As a reminder, Future Sky is based on the alignment of national institutional research for aviation by setting up joint research programmes to ensure technological development.

The hosting EREA member ILOT (Instytut Lotnictwa) celebrated its 90th anniversary. A video was specially created for the celebration, which includes interviews with Bruno Sainjon (EREA Chair) and Uwe Möller (EREA Secretary). It can be viewed here.



Picture: EREA chairman Bruno Sainjon and EREA Vice Chairman Josef Kaspar presenting EREA Future Sky

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