
Flight laboratory equipped with a gust generator, initially devoted to:
– flight dynamics topics on launched A/C models: gust modelling and alleviation, responses to control inputs; new A/C configurations assessment;
– aerodynamic topics: large A/C wake vortices characterization (PIV, Lidar)
Now used for small multicopter type drone, for flight dynamics topics: behaviour under atmospheric perturbation, control / guidance laws assessment.

Main technical characteristics

In-door space dimensions: L*l*h = 90m*20m*20m
Gust generator: horizontal / vertical wind-tunnel, continuous airflow, open section 4.8m*3.5m, length 9m, max airspeed 6m/s
Optical tracking system1: Optitrack motion capture system 4 cameras (to be extended to 8).
Optical tracking system2: Citadine system (in house developed 4 cameras tracking system).
Launching catapult: max model mass 35kg, max speed at release 45m/s

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