During the EREA annual event on 3 December 2018, the Secretary-General of ASD Jan Pie, the Secretary General of EASN Helge Pfeiffer and the Chairman of EREA Catalin Nae, signed a joint statement on the future of aeronautics research and innovation in Europe. The joint statement shows the commitment of industry, research establishments and universities to work together in making aviation, greener, safer and more competitive. Together, we advocate for a dedicated, well-funded research and innovation programme for aeronautics. Such programme must strike the right balance between bottom-up and top-down R&I to adequately explore, mature and demonstrate new technologies and innovations.

It is our strong belief that only when we join forces we are able to meet the Flightpath 2050 goals. That is why we are proud to present you with our joint statement, which can be found here.


Interview of the EREA Chairman by CEAS
An interview of the EREA Chairman Catalin Nae has been published in the Aerospace Europe Bulletin of CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Societies) of October 2018.
In this interview the EREA Chairman shares his views on the significance of long-term upstream research for Aeronautics and assesses the perspectives for performing aeronautics-related upstream research in Horizon Europe.
The complete interview is available here.