It is with great enthusiasm that EREA welcomes the European sustainable aviation vision prepared by ACARE: “Fly the Green Deal”. The new vision, presented at ILA Berlin 2022, succeeds Flightpath 2050 and consolidates the diversity in documents into one overarching vision. EREA fully subscribes to the three main goals of the sector: achieving climate neutral aviation in 2050, putting the citizen at the centre and improving global leadership and competitiveness.

The strength of the vision is the broad, sector wide support and the holistic approach, taking the full spectrum of stakeholders into consideration. No climate neutral aviation is realistically achievable without the appropriately educated workforce; no innovation without applied research and the much needed test and validation facilities, no milestones reached without the ecosystem functioning together.

EREA strongly believes that to achieve the aforementioned goals, dedicated research and innovation are key. At the same time, putting the citizen at the centre of this new strategy changes the way we view air travel and its impact on society. This renewed way of thinking, among other aspects, is also recommended by the EREA 7-Point plan, one of the key inputs to the new ACARE vision.

EREA looks forward to turning this vision into action.