The Association for European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA) has signed the Toulouse Declaration on the future sustainability and decarbonization of aviation, issued at the Aviation Summit held under the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As research establishments, EREA has been at the forefront of decarbonization for decades. Joining many private partners of the European industry and the 40 or so countries by signing this Declaration therefore re-affirms this commitment.

Research and innovation is what will make the decarbonation in aviation possible by 2050. EREA is very pleased that the Declaration voices its strong support for the EU’s Joint Undertakings, initiatives for regular dialogues, as well as other measures to support technological and operational improvements.

Regular dialogue as an eco-system is essential, which is why EREA strongly supports a forum like ACARE.

In addition, EREA strongly endorses the focus on non-CO2 emissions from aviation. Much more research needs to be carried out in this field to fully understand the mechanisms and, consequently, mitigate the climate impacts.

Aviation is an important driver for socio-economic development and cohesion in the world. EREA is -and remains- committed to sustainable global connectivity, through research and innovation.

Photo: France Diplomatie – MEAE