Also during the EREA Annual Event, the top 3 papers participating in the EREA Best Paper Award 2021 were highlighted with brief presentations of their work at the ceremony before the winner was announced. They all received certificates in recognition of their excellent results and the first paper received the EREA Best Paper Award 2021 plaque from the EREA Chairman.

Goutaudier and V. Kehr-Candillea (ONERA) were the recipients of the First Prize, for their paper “Long-range impact localization with a frequency domain triangulation technique: Application to a large aircraft composite panel” written in collaboration with D. Gendre (Airbus) and R. Ohayon (Cnam).

The Second place paper was the paper entitled “Integrated Design of a Morphing Winglet for Active Load Control and Alleviation of Turboprop Regional Aircraft” with I. Dimino, G. Andreutti (CIRA), F. Moens (ONERA), F. Fonte (Politecnico di Milano), R. Pecora (University of Naples “Federico II) and A. Concilio (CIRA).

Dandois, C. Verbeke and F. Ternoy (ONERA) were the recipients of the Third Prize, for their paper “Performance Enhancement of a Vertical Tail Model with Sweeping Jets”.